Monday, July 20, 2015

May Fun

 In May, Ben's dreams came true and he got to visit the Frisco fire station! He was thrilled to get to walk around and touch and get into the real fire trucks!

 Grace and her friend Samantha worked really hard for a month and sang "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jeppsen at the Curtsinger Talent Show. They did a fantastic job and were so cute singing their hearts out on stage. Afterwards Grace told me that it was the most fun ever and the she will never miss the chance to be on stage!

 Ben and Rob went on the Father and Sons campout in between the crazy storms that we've been having. Ben had a blast and stayed up waaaaay to late playing with his best friend Dane

Ben always carries his backpack full of cars and trains around everywhere. He is never without some sort of vehicle!

 The hottest handy man around changed out our kitchen light. It was a much needed change for that room and I am in love with the final result!

Spring brought us some surprises in the form of a family of baby bunnies!
 It was fascinating watching them grow. Above is the mama bunny standing over the hole nursing the babies.

 Sadly, in the end something made the babies sick and all but one died.

We got a composter and before we could get it all put together, the kids had a blast playing in the barrels. Who knew barrels really could be so much fun?!

It's hard to see in this picture, but when we got back from our week in Utah, a bird had built a nest on our patio fan and laid her eggs up there! So much wildlife in our yard!

Cute Ruby-Kitty is always inventing and creating!

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