Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today's outfit is brought to you by the color ORANGE

Grace loves choosing her own outfits and today was orange day. She does a pretty good job of matching, even if her outfits are usually pretty monochromatic. She is even mindful of matching her accessories, if you notice the orange headband.

Grace is such a joy to have at home. She is so sweet with her siblings. She is always trying to help them and I'm often having to remind her to be their sister and not their mom. :) It's so nice to have a fairly reliable helper, since things sometimes get a little nutty with three littles around here. She is so good at singing to or otherwise entertaining Benji if I am needed somewhere else. She loves to snuggle him and to read to Ruby.

She is so smart. I've started teaching her how to read and we're doing a home school program based on picture books and activities that go with them called Five In A Row (since you read the same story 5 days in a row Monday through Friday). She never ceases to amaze me with the concepts that she is able to grasp and when she remembers things that I didn't even think she listened to!

She is also our little family Jiminy Cricket. She always reminds us what we should or shouldn't be doing. We are currently memorizing the Articles of Faith with our nightly scripture study and in 3 weeks has memorized the first 3. She usually has a very sweet disposition.

I am so grateful for my little sweet helper girl!


Chelsea and Dustin Walkenhorst. said...

So sweet :) Miss you Grace! That reading program sounds really neat!

Natasha said...

I really need to call you...however, my phone is lost. :( Hopefully I will replace it shortly. I'm interested to hear more about this five-in-a-row program.