Monday, July 23, 2012

A Sweet Prayer

This afternoon I was putting away Grace's too-small clothes. She wanted to go through them all that I had already carefully folded and put away and I told her that she couldn't take them out. She was really upset that they were all too small and was crying and crying because she doesn't have pretty clothes like those and won't ever again (drama, much?). I told her that if she wanted to cry, she would need to go into her room to do it because it was driving me nutso. She cried for probably about 10 minutes. Then I heard her calm down enough to say the sweetest prayer that went something like this "Dear Heavenly Father, I really like all my old clothes that are too small. Please help me to feel better and calm down. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." And after it was all said, she was very calm and was done crying. It was so sweet that in her time of sorrow and upset that she turned to her Heavenly Father and believed that He would help her to feel better, and He did. She is just so sweet.

p.s. I know that I am so far behind on blogging. I will try to catch up soon, but for now you can know  we made it to Texas and are getting all settled. :)


Shakirra said...

That is VERY sweet! I don't know if I had forgotten, or didn't know you were going to Texas! Yay! I love Texas. I hope to go back sometime soon, but it looks like we'll be going somewhere else for a while first.
Good to see your update!

Junetta said...

Gracie knows that when you are upset you can always pray! Her parents have taught her well! I miss you guys!