Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A California Adventure {Part III}

The rest of the trip, we worked really, really hard to help my parents clean out and organize and get rid of things to get their house ready for sale and moving. It was a whirlwind but we got so much done!

Ellie and John came over one night to go through Ellie and Mom's dad, Ralph Embree's (that's where baby's name came from if anyone was wondering!) trunks from his time in the Navy
He was a bombing squadron commander. There he is front and center of the left photo.

The newspaper clipping above left is of my grandparents Ralph and Eleanor and my aunt Ellie. So sweet. The smile on Ralph's face just makes me so happy. He sure did love his family so much and it was so tragic that he was killed during one of his missions. 

From Ralph's Lucky Bag, a Naval Academy "yearbook"

Going through the office supplies...this is pretty much what the final 4 days of our trip looked like going through as much stuff as we possibly could!


    We weren't sure that we'd need the huge dumpster when we ordered it...turns out we did, haha!


We ordered Chinese one night and Ruby's fortune it said "you are a bundle of energy always on the go"...I don't think that she could have gotten one that fit her more perfectly!

We found lots of treasures, like my mom's hat/veil from her wedding

You know, saying good bye is hard. It was hard to say so long for now to my parents, but even harder to say good bye forever to the home that houses so many happy memories from my childhood.
The park
Ridgeview Street on the way out. How I love those mountains that surround my cute little Camarillo!

We spent New Year's in a hotel in Tucson but did get to do a little countdown with poppers and Martinellis. The ride home was long, but we survived and were so happy to back to our little piece of Texas paradise ;)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A California Adventure {Part II}

We got home from Disney and enjoyed a yummy dinner at Wood Ranch BBQ

And the BYU game with new gear thanks to Nana and Grandpa



Then got to work clearing the house out to get ready for the big Bunker Christmas Party. It was so fun because all the siblings were there and so many grandkids too.

Everyone who came. It was seriously so fun and amazing to have so many people come!


My parents are adorable!

  Thankfully we got at least one good one of Benji, he was having a rough day as this pouty shot will attest to. He refused to wear anything that I picked out and finally consented to wear this gray shirt, but you will notice that as the day went on, he changed into a shirt of his won choosing. Seriously, why do preferences come out on the only day I care what he wears?! :)

All the cousins that were still at the park by the time this shot rolled around

Rob and I in love and doing the whip and nae nae

Silly seesters

Doing the infamous kick off

In front of the house for the last time :(

Kid Bingo
Adult Bingo. I didn't get many pictures of the night because it was so fun to just be with everyone. I LOVE my family and am so blessed to have each and every one of them in it!


The kids had a great time making bread with Grandpa

We had a fun girls afternoon with Aunt Emily getting pedicures and ended it at Target with Icees

We did the annual Minivan Express to see the Christmas Lights
The best display was the red T-bird which we had to get pics of for Grandpa Dave

'Twas the night before Christmas

Then Christmas morning hit before we knew it. We had a delightful time opening gifts. We purposefully pared down the number of gifts given and the kids, as you can see, were delighted with what they got!

This view from the landing down to the Christmas morning goodies holds such fond memories for me!





Grace had a great time with her hew fashion design kit designing new dresses.


We gave each of our parents pictures painted by a friend of mine of the houses that they raised their kids in. It was really special :)


Santa Baby! I always love when I have a baby that fits this suit when Christmas rolls around!