Rob is so great, and he has had a couple of neat experiences lately that I need to document.
First, since he works at the church, he has the opportunity to see General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Last week he had the chance to escort his managing director and Elder and Sister Bednar to a talk they were giving at the Church Offices. As they chatted for a moment Rob's managing director complimented him and Elder Bednar said that he must be so great because of his hair (or lack of). It's nice to have an apostolic blessing on his bald head!
Second, the picture above is from Sunday, before our Stake Conference started in the Tabernacle on Temple Square. If you look closely in the picture you will see a black circle around a distinguished speaker. That's right, it's Rob. He got to sit in the plush red velvet chairs the apostles used to sit in! He did an amazing job and looked so comfortable speaking from that pulpit...maybe he has a future in it? (hehehe. I love yooooou, Rob!)